IMPORTANT:  Online OSHA numbered courses are available to participants working or living within the jurisdiction of Region 1 New England States (NH, VT, ME, MA, CT, RI). This requirement per the Directorate of Training and Education/OSHA.

Exceptions to the New England rules of engagement may include:
1) You have been a certificate program participant in Region 1, alumni or have a long time verifiable (by transcript) relationship with the OTI Education Center, Region 1
2) You are an OSHA authorized outreach trainer wishing to reauthorize in New England/ Region 1

When registering for an update course, you will need to upload a front and back copy of your current trainer card. In addition, each applicant for a trainer update must complete and sign the 1 page Prerequisite Verification Form.

Once application has been submitted, a staff member will approve the application for enrollment. 

Valid ID Required at class  – See details

For any questions, please reach out to or call 800-449-6742
For more information, visit

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