
Course Description

How can video essays offer new avenues to engage with histories of genocidal violence? The first part of this skills-based workshop will introduce participants to key concepts for teaching about genocide. We will then examine strategies for understanding film as a form for teaching and learning about genocide. The remainder of the workshop will be deeply interactive: teaching participants how to create videographic projects using Adobe Premiere Pro. Each participant will leave the workshop having created a short video of their own related to genocide awareness and prevention.

Presenter BioDr. DiGiovanni's interdisciplinary research and teaching centers on representations of war, dictatorial violence and genocide in 20th - 21st century Spain and Latin America. She deals with narrative (novels, short stories, graphic novels) and films (fiction and documentary) that render visible the multiple traumas related to state repression and militaristic culture. Beyond her videographic scholarship work, Dr. DiGiovanni is also the author of numerous books, peer-reviewed journal articles, and book chapters. Her work is published in both English and Spanish. Dr. DiGiovanni is bilingual and holds a split appointment in the KSC Department of Holocaust and Genocide Studies as well as the Department of Modern Languages and Cultures.

Registration fees are non-refundable and non-transferable. The last day to register for this workshop is October 3, 2024.

Learner Outcomes

  • Participants will learn ten key concepts to better understand genocide.
  • Participants will learn to identify cinematic strategies for analyzing the messages and meanings of films, especially as related to the field of genocide studies.
  • Participants will gain the skills to create—and/or guide students through the creation of—videographic projects about genocide prevention.
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Cutting Edge Curriculum: Creating Video Essays
8:30AM to 3:00PM
Oct 11, 2024
Schedule and Location
Contact Hours
Cutting Edge Curriculum non-credit $179.00

Date:   October 11, 2024 

Time:  8:30am to 3:00pm – breakfast is 8:30-9:00am

Location:  We will begin the day in the Cohen Center (Room 142)

Cost:  $179 (includes breakfast, lunch, and coffee breaks)

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