
Course Description

This course is designed for Outreach Training Program trainers who have completed course #501 Trainer Course in Occupational Safety and Health Standards for General Industry and who are authorized trainers in the OSHA Outreach Training Program. The course provides an update on OSHA General Industry Standards, policies, and regulations. Upon course completion students will have the ability to demonstrate continued professional development in their field by applying effective adult learning principles and interactive training techniques to clearly identify, define, and explain general industry hazards and acceptable corrective measures as they continue to teach the 10- and 30-hour General Industry Outreach Training Program classes.

NOTEDue to course content, we recommend bringing a laptop and thumb drive to class.

Click here to fill out the enrollment application.

 *Registration forms must be submitted 5 business days prior to the course start date.

For any questions please reach out to oshaed@keene.edu
For more information, visit https://oshaedne.com/

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