NCSH-475 - Electrical Transmission & Distribution Partnership 10 hour OSHA Outreach Training
Course Description
Training emphasizes electrical safety principles and hazard recognition. Emphasis will be placed on OSHA rules applicable to electric transmission and distribution (1910.269 and 1926 Subpart V). This course is conducted over a two-day classroom instructional period in which participants will receive, upon completion of the course, an OSHA 10 Hour Construction Card with an additional ET&D designation.
This two day customized construction outreach/utilities ET&D course provide awareness level training, and is intended to increase knowledge of certain factors that may contribute to injuries among electric utility craft personnel? and allied trades, and suggests practices that may reduce the risk of injury…Not intended to provide “competent person” or “qualified person” level training. Training emphasizes electrical safety principles and hazard recognition. Emphasis will be placed on OSHA rules applicable to electric transmission and distribution (1910.269 and 1926 Subpart V). This course is conducted over a two-day classroom instructional period in which participants will receive, upon completion of the course, an OSHA 10 Hour Construction Card with ET&D Partnership endorsement.?
Additional topics include:
• Intro to OSHA module
• Electrical Safety
• Temporary Protective Grounding
• Lifting and Rigging
• Job Briefings
• Trenching & Excavation
• Confined/Enclosed Spaces
• Fall Protection
• The Focus 4 Construction Modules: Caught In-between; Electrocution; Falls; and Struck-by
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