
Course Description

Heat Stress and Strain in the Work Environment

This course identifies key factors in occurrence of work-related exertional heat stress. It examines the physiological effects of heat, assessment of risk and workplace controls. It will review OSHA initiatives, rulemaking, and voluntary standards. Please have the capability to do some quick calculations (e.g., calculator, cell phone or laptop).

For any questions please reach out to oshaed@keene.edu
For more information, visit https://oshaedne.com/

Course Outline

Course Objectives

Students will be able to assess the work environment for prevention of heat stress disorders.

At the conclusion of this course, students will be able to:

  1. List and summarize the common work-related disorders that result from excessive exposure to heat stress.
  2. Summarize the defensive response of the body to occupational heat.
  3. Explain the environmental and metabolic sources of heat that contribute to occupational heat load on the body.
  4. Measure environmental heat stress exposures and interpret results using commonly utilized recommended limits.
  5. Assess the potential effect of clothing/PPE on heat stress exposures.
  6. Recommend a variety of physiological monitoring techniques for surveillance of heat strain
  7. Recommend workplace controls including dependent on the situation-specific cause(s) of heat exposure to mitigate heat strain.
  8. Explain applicable federal, state, and non-government organizations’ workplace initiatives and requirements involving occupational heat stress.

Applies Towards the Following Certificates

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